BMC Medical Education (11/20/24) Schut, Samuel M.; Cole II, Michael R.; Price, Morgan R.; et al.
A review of U.S. chiropractic state boards found that most do not currently accept chiropractic residences and fellowships as continuing education (CE). The review, conducted in early 2024, included a manual search of board websites and related policy documents for all 50 states and the District of Columbia. Data was also collected for CE credit requirements for new licensees. According to the data, only four states - Arizona, Indiana, Kansas, and Minnesota - accept residencies or fellowships for CE credit. Another six states had unclear regulatory language about the programs, and 41 did not include residences or fellowships in their lists of approved CE. Overall, 21 states require CE credits during a licensee's first renewal period; however, 19 of those states either do not accept residencies or fellowships for credit, or it is not clear if they do. The study authors conclude, "As the number of these postdoctoral training programs for chiropractors grow, more state boards may be asked to determine their CE policies on them."
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