Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions (07/19/24) Hu, Amanda; Deane, Emily Catherine; Gill, Simran; et al.
Researchers assessed the value of a novel educational activity that sought to increase health care providers' (HCPs) knowledge about the health effects of smoking cannabis. Developed by a multidisciplinary team of experts, the webinar was preceded and followed by a 10-item knowledge test. More than 600 HCPs participated in the webinar. Scores on the knowledge test increased to 63.5% after the webinar from 56.9% before the activity — and there were significantly higher scores in the live group compared with the group that watched it on-demand. Factors associated with higher improvement in scores include older age, physician occupation, live mode of learning interacted with lower pretest score, and live mode of learning interacted with female gender. Approximately 45% of the participants said the webinar was above average and about 30% said it was outstanding. "This novel online educational activity increased knowledge and awareness of the health effects of smoking cannabis in the airway among HCPs and engaged learners virtually during the COVID-19 pandemic," the researchers report.
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