ACCME Highlights (10/05/22)
The Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education's (ACCME) Data Report: Onward and Upward: Thriving Together in Accredited Continuing Education — 2021 presents data from more than 1,600 accredited organizations that provide healthcare professionals with continuing education (CE) resources. "The data shows that our community of accredited providers has reacted nimbly to the COVID-19 pandemic, redesigning learning environments to offer critically needed skills and support to healthcare professionals and teams, and evolving their approach to meeting learners' needs in a variety of new ways," ACCME notes. The report cites key 2021 milestones, including a 19% year-on-year increase in accredited educational activities, from 172,000 to 204,000; a 19% boost in physician engagement, from 18 million to nearly 22 million; and a 25% gain in reported income by accredited providers, from $2.2 billion to $2.8 billion. Accredited organizations are also reporting increased activities that note and quantify performance, and that extend and illustrate training's effects on patients and communities. The data further embodies a stable provider network that signals continued gains in online and team-based learning. "My colleagues and I remain inspired by the hard work and dedication of our accredited providers — you have continuously evolved to meet the changing needs of your learners, innovating to deliver much-needed education during a time of uncertainty," said ACCME President Graham McMahon, MD, MMSc.
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