Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions (12/17/24) Zaccagnini, Marco; Bussières, André; Nugus, Peter; et al.
Researchers sought to generate preliminary validity evidence for a tool that measures scholarly practice among respiratory therapists (RTs). To develop the tool, they used Devellis' nine-step scale development process and exploratory factor analysis. The resulting tool was then tested with 81 RTs in Canada, with the refined tool then tested on more than 800 RTs. Based on principal axis factoring with Promax rotation, the team identified 18 items across four factors. The factors are professional development and credibility, elements supporting scholarly practice, the perceived impact of scholarly activities on practice, and scholarly practitioner identity and ability. Preliminary evidence indicates that the scholarly practice tool can promote self-reflection and peer-based reflection. "Using the tool with other healthcare professionals and conducting confirmatory factor analysis could generate additional validity evidence," the study authors conclude.
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