IPEC News Release (11/20/23)
The Interprofessional Education Collaborative (IPEC) released updated Core Competencies for Interprofessional Collaborative Practice. The competencies were first released in 2011 and last updated in 2016. Version 3 of the competencies factors in several new IPEC member groups and seeks to highlight current day research, policy, education and practice realities. "Building on coalition efforts launched over a decade ago, the 2023 IPEC competencies reinforce the dynamic relationship between interprofessional education and practice needs," said Alison J. Whelan, MD, IPEC Executive Board Chair and AAMC Chief Academic Officer. She added, "We hope that this third iteration of the IPEC competencies continue to bolster interprofessional learning experiences, health professions education and health improvements." The revised competencies include 33 sub-competency statements under four competency areas: values and ethics, roles and responsibilities, communication, and teams and teamwork. The 2023 competencies also include a brief history of IPEC; a summary of the organization's programs, projects and resources; an expanded and updated glossary of terms; and a comparison guide to easily show the differences between the last update and the newest one. The 2023 framework and report were put together over two years by an interprofessional panel of leaders, educators and students nationwide, covering more than 20 disciplines.
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