JMIR Formative Research (03/07/25) Laurent, Maxence; Jaccard, Arnaud; Suppan, Laurent; et al.
In an effort to realistically simulate the real-time evolution of various injuries, researchers sought to create and validate a simplified mathematical model of physiology. The HUMAn model (Human is an Uncomplicated Model of Anatomy) was developed with the help of prehospital physicians, paramedics, and computer scientists and then evaluated by experienced clinicians. Features the team deemed necessary for the model included that it be clinically realistic and able to compute the evolution of prehospital vital signs, while still simple enough to enable real-time computation for several simulated patients on regular computers or tablets. A heart-lung-brain interaction model linked to functional blocks representing the primary anatomical parts was added during the development phase, while the validation phase included the assessment of nine simulated patients who presented with pathologies intended to test the various systems and their interactions. Using a 5-point Likert scale ranging from 1-5, the clinical parameters of all the patients had a median rating of 5 (absolutely realistic). The majority of the individual clinical parameters were also rated 5, with the remainder being rated a 4. The overall physiological parameters of all the patients had a median rating of 5, with most of the individual physiological parameters being rated 5 as well. Based on the successful creation of this model, the researchers suggest it be included in computer-based simulations.
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