Federation of State Medical Boards (02/04/25)
The Advisory Commission on Additional Licensing Models issued nine recommendations to aid in the development and implementation of laws specific to the licensing of internationally trained physicians. The recommendations for state medical boards, state legislators, policymakers, and other relevant parties are based on areas of concordance in legislation already in place and on expert opinion gathered during a public comment period that included more than 150 individuals and organizations. Among the recommendations are that rulemaking authority should be delegated, with resources allocated, to the state medical board for implementing and evaluating any additional licensure pathways; an offer of employment should be required for pathway eligibility; ECFMG certification and graduation from a recognized medical school should be required for pathway eligibility; and completion of postgraduate training outside the United States should be required for pathway eligibility. The Advisory Commission was formed 2023 by the Federation of State Medical Boards, Intealth, and the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education.
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